On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Sarada Devi, popularly known as Holy Mother, we are happy to bring out this small book, Life and Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi the Holy Mother.
Holy Mother’s life exemplifies spirituality in practice. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘The ideals lived and taught by her would not only spiritualize the efforts for the emancipa-tion of women in India but also influence and penetrate into the minds and hearts of women all the world over.’ (Prabuddha Bharata, 1952,p. 506) Holy Mother lived not in a cave or forest but in ordinary homes and situations replete with happiness and misery, illness and bereavements. She was in the midst ofworrisome and adverse circumstances and had to deal with people of diverse natures and temperaments. Still she remained always serene and calm and a vast reservoir of spiritual energy, and she served all,irrespective of caste, creed, or social position.with motherly care, concern, and love. One moment she would be found doing ordinary domestic chores, and the next she would be giving spiritual advice or guiding the novices, monks, and the great leaders of the Ramakrishna Order. Her life has great lessons for all, women and men alike.
This volume is a compilation by Swami Vimohananda of material from various sources. Though it is specially meant for people who have no time to read the larger volumes on her, it will be useful for general readers as well
Life and Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi
AUTHOR/BY A Compilation
PUBLISHER Advaita Ashrama
BINDING Paperback
ISBN 9788175052581