There is an urgent need today to make an in-depth study of Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas, to discover his philosophy, and to present it in a systematic format. This book brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas on the three metaphysical concepts- God, man, and universe-and allied matters. Present book is a set of essays originally published as editorials in the Vedanta Kesari in 1939. The material has been rearranged under suitable headings and subheadings are provided for easy reading. To the common reader, this book will be of immense value, for it brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s thought on a wide variety of subjects.
Sri Ramakrishna's Thoughts on Man World and God
WEIGHT 180 g TAGS Sri Ramakrishna, Teachings
AUTHOR/BY Swami Tapasyananda
ISBN 9788178231853
BINDING Paperback
PUBLISHER Ramakrishna Math, Chennai